Category: Messages to Faculty, Messages to Staff, Messages to Students, Messages to the Community

Title: Emergency Heat/Hot Water Outage Planned Tomorrow (Saturday) 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Dear Members of the Georgetown University Community,

Due to an unexpected and substantial leak in an underground steam line and a chilled water line, we need to make emergency repairs that will significantly disrupt heat and hot water service in many of our buildings, including some residential facilities.

From approximately 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. tomorrow, Saturday, February 18, there will be no hot water or heat in the following facilities:

  • Residential
    • Copley Hall (including Copley Crypt Chapel, Sr. Thea Bowman Chapel, Copley Formal Lounge)
    • Isaac Hawkins/Ryan Hall
    • LXR Hall
    • Nevils Hall
    • New South
    • Village A
    • Village C East (including Masjid)
    • Village C West (including GERMS & GUPD)
  • Academic/Administrative
    • Dahlgren Chapel
    • Davis Performing Arts Center
    • Healy Hall
    • Healey Family Student Center
    • Lauinger Library
    • Maguire Hall
    • New North
    • Old North
    • Walsh Building
    • White Gravenor Hall

There are no expected impacts to these services this evening and we expect services to resume by 6 p.m. on Saturday. We sincerely apologize and are working to complete the repairs and restore service as quickly as possible. These buildings will still be accessible while the repair is occurring, but heat and hot water will be unavailable.

Construction Work

Old North Way between Healy Hall and Copley Hall will be closed to vehicular and pedestrian traffic for repair work during the outage period.

Guidance for Students and Faculty/Staff

Heat and hot water will be maintained this evening, but we expect cold outside air temperatures during the outage tomorrow. While you are welcome to remain in these buildings during the repair, please note the following guidance and recommendations:

  • Students
    • Available Campus Spaces: While some students may be traveling home during the holiday weekend, the lounges in residential buildings unaffected by this outage will be open and available to undergraduate students. Public spaces in the Leavey Center, Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall, Epicurean, ICC, Hariri, Regents, and Arrupe buildings and McShain Lounge (McCarthy Hall) will be open during regular hours tomorrow for students.
    • Shower Option: We are making Yates Field House’s shower facilities available to students in impacted residence halls tomorrow from 9 a.m. – 10 p.m. Please check-in at the front desk with your GOCard. Please bring your own towels and a lock if you plan to use a locker.
  • Instructors
    • Instructional Continuity: Instructors that have a course in an impacted building tomorrow may follow their instructional continuity plan and notify their students of any modality changes accordingly.
  • Staff/AAP Employees
    • Employees that have work hours scheduled in impacted buildings during the planned 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. outage are encouraged to coordinate with their managers and work remotely if possible.

We plan to keep the entire community updated on the progress of the emergency repairs and appreciate your patience as we work as quickly as possible to address this issue. Questions and concerns about this repair work can be directed to the Work Management Center at 202-687-3432.

Office of Planning & Facilities Management