Title: Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service to Host Symposium Reflecting on the Vision of President Bill Clinton
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Media Contact:
Erica Kim
WHAT: The Institute of Politics and Public Service (GU Politics) at Georgetown’s McCourt School of Public Policy will host a series of events examining the vision that drove the campaign and presidency of President William J. Clinton.
The event, Clinton 25: Georgetown Reflects On The Vision Of Bill Clinton, will bring together former campaign and administration officials, and other guests to look back on his journey from the Hilltop to the White House, his time as President, and his vision for the country and the world. The symposium will culminate in a keynote address by President Clinton in the University’s historic Gaston Hall.
The events will take place on Georgetown’s main campus from November 3-6, 2017. Join the conversation online by tagging @GUPolitics and #Clinton25. For more information, click on the GU Politics website.
WHAT: Campaign ‘92 Panel
A discussion with some of the top strategists of the 1992 Clinton campaign, examining the message and strategy that propelled Bill Clinton to the presidency, redefined the modern Democratic Party, and revolutionized the way modern political campaigns operate.
WHEN: Sunday, November 5, 7:00PM – 8:30PM
WHERE: Copley Formal Lounge
James Carville, Campaign Manager, Clinton–Gore ‘92
Paul Begala, Chief Strategist, Clinton–Gore ‘92
Mandy Grunwald, Director of Advertising, Clinton–Gore ‘92
Rodney Slater, Deputy Campaign Manager, Clinton–Gore ‘92
Mo Elleithee, Executive Director, Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service (Moderator)
WHAT: Vision of America Panel
In a discussion co-hosted by GU Politics and the McCourt School of Public Policy, panelists will reflect on how President Clinton viewed the potential of America and the domestic policy agenda his vision inspired.
WHEN: Monday, November 6, 9:45AM – 11:00AM
WHERE: Copley Formal Lounge
Maria Echaveste, former White House Deputy Chief of Staff
Rahm Emanuel, former Senior Advisor for Policy and Strategy
Minyon Moore, former White House Political Director
Bruce Reed, former Director of the Domestic Policy Council
Michael Bailey, Interim Dean, McCourt School of Public Policy (Moderator)
WHAT: Vision of the World Panel
In a discussion co-hosted by GU Politics and the Walsh School of Foreign Service, panelists will reflect on President Clinton’s vision of the world and America’s leadership role in the international community, and the foreign policy agenda it inspired.
WHEN: Monday, November 6, 11:15AM – 12:30PM
WHERE: Copley Formal Lounge
Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State
Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico
Strobe Talbott, former Deputy Secretary of State
Joel Hellman, Dean, Walsh School of Foreign Service (Moderator)
WHAT: Vision of Leadership and Public Service Panel
In a discussion co-hosted by GU Politics and the Baker Center for Leadership & Governance, panelists will reflect on President Clinton’s leadership style, his belief in government as a tool to help people, and his efforts to inspire Americans to public service.
WHEN: Monday, November 6, 12:45PM – 2:00PM
WHERE: Copley Formal Lounge
Thomas “Mack” McLarty, former White House Chief of Staff
Erskine Bowles, former White House Chief of Staff
John Podesta, former White House Chief of Staff
Judy Feder, Professor, McCourt School of Public Policy (Moderator)
WHAT: Keynote Address
The symposium will conclude with a keynote address by President Bill Clinton.
WHEN: Monday, November 6, 4:15PM – 6:00PM
WHERE: Georgetown University, Gaston Hall, 3rd Floor Healy Hall
WHO:President William J. Clinton
WEBCAST: This part of the program will be webcast live.More information available on the GU Politics website.
Media interested in attending must RSVP to Erica Kim at erica.kim@georgetown.edu by November 2 at noon E.T.
Television cameras and still photographers must be pre-set in the space by 2:15 p.m. for keynote address.
Press will need to present valid credentials at check-in.
There will be no question and answer for press during the events.
The Institute of Politics and Public Service (GU Politics) connects and empowers students and the community in an effort to improve and reimagine politics and public service and reaffirm its promise. Founded as part of Georgetown’s McCourt School of Public Policy in the fall of 2015, GU Politics programming is open to the entire University community.
The Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy is a top-ranked public policy school located in the center of the policy world in Washington, D.C. Our mission is to teach our students to design, analyze, and implement smart policies and put them into practice in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, in the U.S. and around the world.