Category: Press Materials, Statement

Title: Statement on Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia

This evening, the Chair of the Georgetown University Board of Directors, Thomas A. Reynolds III (B’74), shared the below message with the Georgetown community:

“I am writing to share that earlier today, Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia was admitted to MedStar Washington Hospital Center after suffering a stroke. After surgical intervention, he is in stable condition in the presence of his wife, Theresa, and son, JT.

We are grateful to the medical professionals at MedStar Health who are ensuring that President DeGioia is receiving the best possible care. We will continue to keep members of our community informed.   

On behalf of the Georgetown University Board of Directors, I am confident that the entire Georgetown community joins us in wishing President DeGioia a swift recovery. We will keep Jack, Theresa and JT in our prayers.”

