Category: Messages to Students

Title: Announcing Fall 2025-Spring 2026 Graduate Tuition Rates

Dear Graduate Students,

Each year at this time, we provide an update on recent university decisions regarding tuition levels for the next Academic Year in order to help students plan ahead.

Please find the information for tuition rates for your particular program for the upcoming academic year on the Approved Tuition and Fee Rates for 2025-2026 listing. Graduate tuition rates vary by school and degree program due to variances in the cost of delivering specific types of graduate degree experiences. The university will continue to increase its institutional support for financial aid. For Academic Year 2023-24, the University dedicated a record $265 million for financial aid for undergraduate and graduate students.

Tuition rates for Academic Year 2025-26 represent a balanced approach to managing the cost of attendance despite rising associated costs, all while ensuring adequate resources needed for academic and student priorities, new programs and initiatives, and our commitment to minimizing additional fees.

The pie chart below provides context on how your tuition dollars made your Georgetown education possible in the previous fiscal year (July 2023 – June 2024).

Projected distribution of expenses for FY2024: Instruction 30%; Financial Aid; 17.1%; Building maintenance, IT, Financial Services and Other Operations 15%; Dean's Offices, Library and Academic Admin 13.4%; Research 11.4%; Student Health, Counseling, Cultural Dev. 4.5%; Interest, Depreciation, Rent and Building Ops. 5.5%; Scholarship and Fellowships 3.1%

You can find more information on the following pages:

We are deeply grateful for your significant investment in a Georgetown education, and for your many contributions to our campus community and Catholic, Jesuit educational mission.

Best wishes,

Soyica Diggs Colbert
Interim Provost

Norman J. Beauchamp Jr.
Executive Vice President for Health Sciences