Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “Go Set the World on Fire”

Author: Caitlin F.
Date Published: May 6, 2020

Hello and Congratulations new college grads! I’m so sorry this semester got cut short. You deserved that time. I know the hard work, resiliency, and kindness you’ve shown during this four years. You should be very proud of yourselves, and I hope you all take time to celebrate your accomplishments.

What I loved about Georgetown was the commitment and drive everyone had- to making the world better, or helping their family, or finding their path. And Georgetown has challenged you- roommate showdowns, all nighters, fighting cockroaches and running away from rats, discovering it’s okay not to get an A, opening up to new ideas. And you did it! You made it through! It’s made you tough, fueled your passion, and prepared you to write a paper while also planning a tombs night and calling your mom back.

All of this to say, you did something special. Leaving hurts because it meant something. Georgetown made us all grow and so it’s with us always. The people, the classes, the beautiful old stone buildings, and terrible student housing all led to who you are today. I’m so proud of you.

And if I can offer one piece of advice- be men and women for others. Grades, jobs, titles aren’t what fills a life. It’s our relationship with others, and as Georgetown grads I know you are all so capable of bringing good into the world. So I hope you find connection, fulfillment, and joy in servicing others.

Hoya Saxa, go set the world on fire.

-Caitlin F.