Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “Serve Others, Lead by Example, Overcome Adversity, and Keep the Faith”

Author: Hank S. ‘78
Date Published: May 6, 2020

I graduated from the SFS in 1978 and enjoyed a fulfilling career as an Army lawyer, federal prosecutor, and law school professor. I told my law school classmates that I had received the best undergraduate education in the country. I still firmly believe that today. I hope that you realize how fortunate and blessed you have been to attend Georgetown, even though your time there has ended so abruptly and unfairly.

It hurts to think about how this pandemic has deprived you all of so much, with so little warning or time to prepare. But you and all of us will persevere by applying what we learned at GU – about serving others, leading by example, overcoming adversity, and keeping the faith.

It has been my privilege to meet several of you in Tucson over the last four years at the Kino Border Alternative Spring Break program. I have been amazed by your backgrounds and accomplishments. You have made me so proud and grateful to be a fellow Hoya alum. I know that our nation and our world will be in good hands as you and your classmates go forward as leaders and doers and healers.

One final thought. Take the time to thank your parents, teachers, and all those who made your Georgetown education possible. This is a sad time for them too because they wanted so much to join in your graduation celebration. Find a way to celebrate still.

If I can be of assistance in the years ahead, please do not hesitate to contact me. May the Lord bless all of you, today and always, Hank S.