Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “Look At the World in New Ways”

Author: Margaret N. (Class of '85)
Date Published: May 6, 2020

You are living and completing your college degree in historic times. You are losing some rich opportunities and things are not at all what you expected. But at the same time, you have new opportunities to embrace and it’s good to remember that life is seldom what we expect. If you are feeling grief over what will not be, you are entitled to it. But let that grief also help you appreciate even more the rituals, gatherings, celebrations and special moments you will share with those you love when you are able to be together again. If you are feeling confused or scared about the future, that’s to be expected, too. But try to channel those feelings into looking at the world in new ways and seeing opportunities for yourself you did not see before. Above all, remember that this shall pass and that we are all sacrificing a great deal together now for a worthy causeā€”to save lives and reduce suffering. You can and should all be proud of your sacrifice. Godspeed!

-Margaret N. (Class of ’85)