Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “The world needs Georgetown grads now more than ever.”

Author: Jess C. (SFS'06)
Date Published: May 6, 2020

Congratulations on your graduation and condolences for all the ways that COVID-19 may have soured this occasion. As an SFS (06, STIA) graduate I frequently reflect on all I learned at Georgetown and how it applies to the way this pandemic has unfolded across the world. As a pediatric infectious diseases physician, I thank you for all you have sacrificed in staying away from campus and staying home- it has helped save lives and keep our hospitals a bit safer. As a Hoya, I want you to know that your memories and friends from Georgetown will weather this crisis. Georgetown and all of your fellow Hoyas will be here for you online and someday soon again in person. The world needs Georgetown grads now more than ever. Congratulations and Hoya Saxa!

-Jess C. (SFS’06)