Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “Once you graduate from Georgetown, you become part of an amazing and truly special group of people.”

Author: Leila B.
Date Published: May 6, 2020

I can remember very well the feeling of exhilaration, fear, and a little sadness as my graduation from Georgetown approached. So many emotions at once. We often talk about college as a finite moment in time. But, twenty one years after my own graduation, I can assure you it’s not. You see, once you graduate from Georgetown, you become part of an amazing and truly special group of people. You become an alumnus. And, the bond between us is stronger than you can ever imagine. When you are lucky enough to happy upon a fellow alum, you are instantly connected by something so special that it’s hard to describe. It is, in fact, magical. So, I want to welcome you to this group — a group that grows ever stronger each and every year. Be proud of all of you’ve achieved and know that this truly is just the beginning. Hoya Saxa!

-Leila B.