Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “An Opportunity to Reflect”

Author: Miykaelah S., SFS ' 10
Date Published: May 7, 2020

Take this moment to pause and acknowledge yourself. You did it! You may feel incomplete in some way, you may feel sad about how your career at Georgetown has come to a close, and that’s okay. Acknowledge your disappointment, acknowledge that sadness.

One of the pillars of the Spirit of Georgetown is “Contemplation in Action,” and I invite you to take a moment, if you haven’t yet, and contemplate what you can learn from this moment and how you can take that and turn it into something that will help you grow and be successful.

If there’s anything I’ve learned in life since graduation is that nothing is ever a given, and that it’s about how we approach uncertainty that defines who we are and how successful we will be in life. So take this time of uncertainty as an opportunity to reflect and see how you want to best use your talents to serve – to serve your community, to serve the world. I know for myself that this time has put into perspective many things in my life and made me cut away all that is unnecessary. So focus on what matters, and go for it 100%.

While your road forward won’t be easy, it’s okay, you already made it this far, you have graduated from Georgetown! You have what it takes, and you can do it!

All the best to you! Hoya Saxa!

Warm regards,