Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “An Incredible Opportunity”

Author: Frances S., 1977
Date Published: May 8, 2020

To the Class of 2020, especially those in Nursing, it is so unfortunate that your graduation celebration, festivities, parties, photos and actual ceremony will not be part of your last year as an undergraduate. However, this global pandemic and the horrific outcomes we are witnessing and experiencing make this a remarkable year to be graduating; one that is historic and memorable in a perverse, sad way. You will be deprived of the usual joy associated with this time in your lives. Fortunately, your Georgetown education has very likely prepared you well to meet the challenges brought about by this disaster. No matter your particular degree, you have an incredible opportunity to participate in the rebuilding that will occur here in America or across the world. And you are guided by the fundamental Jesuit belief in caring for the whole person. So, as you move on in the next chapter of your life, the current alumni await the news of how you applied the gifts of your incredible education at Georgetown to the unique challenges you will face. I wish all of you a healthy and fulfilling journey. Hoya Saxa!

-Frances S., 1977