Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “We Are So Very Proud of You, Julianne”

Author: Robert Z. ('88)
Date Published: May 8, 2020

Our family would like to wish our daughter and sister Julianne a heartfelt congratulations! We are so very proud of you. Georgetown has turned out to be everything and more we’d hoped for you in a college experience. Your curiosity and adventurous spirit took you in new, unexpected directions these past four years. You got to swing at the end of the world with Georgetown study abroad in Ecuador, and also swim with the sharks in the Galapagos! Of course, there were also those encounters with far less exotic wildlife right on the Hilltop in good old Darnall.

You took your first computer science class spring of sophomore year. With your usual tenacity and determination, you double majored in Computer Science and Mathematics, and earned well-deserved recognition as a Claire Booth Luce Scholar. You pursued interesting research opportunities with the Computing Lab and Massive Data Institute, and wowed us with a stellar senior thesis presentation. You have slayed to the very end. We are so happy you got to explore all that is DC, indulge your love of food at many fabulous restaurants, become a Hoya basketball fan, and most importantly, make great, lifelong friends. We cannot wait to celebrate you and your friends on the Hilltop soon. In the meantime congratulations again to you and the entire Class of 2020. Hoya Saxa!

-Robert Z. (’88)