Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “You Have Been Well Trained to Enter and Find an Important Slot in This Brave New World, Caroline”

Caroline, the lovely smart little girl whom we first met in Hong Kong many years ago, has grown up to be a, charming, sophisticated, polished and highly competent young woman about to make her mark on the world.

Now, she is graduating from Georgetown University as did her father Mark Landler, in the historic year of 2020 which will always be distinguished as the year of the Pandemic. In the long road ahead, Caroline can always boast that the Corona virus ruined her final college year, robbed her of the companionship of friends due to living in London, and prevented all the graduates from participating in the splendid, memorable graduating ceremonies. May I add also a rare pleasure denied parents, siblings, grandparents and friends. Sadly, these wonderful eventful days can only be imagined, but never realized. 2020 so far has been a bitter experience for Caroline in all that she missed at college.

However, one day, hopefully soon, our wonderful world will return, and the graduates will be better prepared to face a world full of unpleasant challenges, hardships, and turmoil due to the pandemic experience. Caroline has been well trained to enter and find an important slot this brave new world with her head held high.

-Brigid L.