Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “Welcome to our Georgetown Alumni Community, Andrea M.”

Author: Rosa D., Class 1994
Date Published: May 11, 2020

Hello! I’m a Panamanian who graduated from Georgetown in 1994. I’m very proud to have a daughter who continued my legacy and is part of this year’s Georgetown graduating class.

I want to congratulate all the students of the 2020 Class, especially my daughter Andrea M., for having successfully completed their undergraduate studies in these uncertain times. Although this is not the way we all thought we would celebrate the culmination of this important stage in your lives, we want to tell you how proud we are for each of your achievements over the years. We want to wish you the best in the different paths that each one of you will undertake in the future.

The time has come for you to go out into the world and achieve everything you have dreamed of. Don’t be afraid; you have the necessary tools to do it. Have faith in tomorrow and never forget to be humble and help others along your journey. The world is counting on you to make a difference.

Welcome to our Georgetown Alumni Community,

Hoya Xaxa! Rosa D. C’94 Parent ’20

-Rosa D.