Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “An Astounding List of Accomplishments, Christine M.”

Author: Don M.
Date Published: May 12, 2020

Dear Christine,

It is obvious to say that your mother and I are very proud of you but to list your accomplishments at Georgetown is astounding. Your drive and effort were given every tool needed to succeed and that you did. Your professors did so much more than just teach, and you accomplished much more than just textbook learning. The experiences you have had, challenges you have met and travels you have taken all have strengthened you. While this is a challenging time that has ripped away the celebration that you and your fellow students deserve, in a strange way it is just one more character-building challenge that you will overcome. I do not worry about you Christine. You have prepared and been prepared to face challenges and accomplish goals by many great people. I worry for anyone or anything that gets in your way. Thank you, Georgetown University Faculty and Staff, for providing my daughter so much more than just an incredible education!

-Don M.