Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “You Deserve It All, Taylor R.”

Taylor Rochelle R., J.D. What a title; what a woman.

I met you when your GoCard was still shiny, your dorm room was still bare, your casebooks were un-tabbed, and orientation was still on the horizon; you were ready for anything. And today, three years later, you’re ready for so much more—today, you’re ready to face the world. I couldn’t be prouder.

Sitting with you as you’d work through each seemingly endless challenge, listening to your dreams and watching them transform over the years; your journey has inspired my own, and bearing witness to your growth has truly been a privilege. With some of your highest highs and your lowest lows piling atop one another, you constantly demanded the world of yourself, and rose to new heights without looking back. You set those daily 5AM alarms, you pulled those relentless all-nighters of sacrificing sleep for progress, you made the library your home, you chased your dreams no matter the cost. And now, you stand triumphant over every moment you ever dared to doubt yourself. That’s why you deserve so much celebration, so much fanfare, so much excitement, so much love, and these overflowing hearts dedicated to making this day one you will never forget, in the face of all you’ve succeeded against.

This is an occasion signifying so much more than we can know, because of all those you will touch beyond this moment in time. You will sincerely change the world for people who put their faith in you, like you have for me. You are a Black woman that will shape a dynamic new narrative for all one person can achieve, especially with such an uplifting village behind her; today is more proof than any could ever deny. Each of us know it, hence why we wouldn’t dare miss seeing your diligence to fruition.

All along the way you’ve shown me a tireless motivation and unwavering determination to push further than any limits could contain, all the while maintaining a warm heart that draws me deeper into what makes you who you are. I’m indebted to Georgetown for bringing us together, but I’m more indebted to you for allowing me a passenger seat along this road to realizing all the beautiful potential only someone like you could make real. From meeting you on that fateful August evening in 2017 to this triumphant day in May 2020, I’m still in awe of all you are, and I’m in love with all you are still becoming. Congratulations, Lory. You deserve it all.

Yours Always,