- Wearing sweats…exclusively
Don’t get me wrong, we all deserve to feel comfortable in sweats during this virtual period. Once I got home from Georgetown in March, I wore sweats every single day for the rest of the semester. As comfortable as I was, I found it was not particularly productive. Since then, “Look good, feel good” has never rung truer to me. Even if I’m not spending time frolicking around M Street or reading on the Healy Lawn, getting a real outfit on and feeling put together really boosted my self-confidence. Obviously, I don’t put on a fashion show for myself every day but getting ready in the morning does help me beat that sluggish feeling. It also replicates some feelings of being back on the Hilltop.
- Thinking I could study on my bed
One of the biggest differences between spring and fall is my new workspace, which is separate from my bedroom. In the spring, I would get tired and bring my reading to finish in bed. Bad idea. I never finished those readings because my bed was way too comfortable. At school, I kept up attention span by studying at Lau, the MSB, the HFSC, Leavey, you name it. Although I no longer have the option of moving around as much as I did at school, I really have found that being in a space designated for studying facilitates a whole new mindset. So, long story short, I don’t recommend studying on your bed, as enticing as it seems.
- Being glued to the screen all day
Perhaps the most important point I will make in this blog post. During the spring, I found myself planting down at my desk for class and not moving… all day. That’s crazy. I thought back to being at school to try and figure out how I broke my day up into pieces. I walked to get food, I walked to class, I saw friends throughout the day, I socialized with my roommate, I went to Yates, I went to club meetings… Clearly, I was not sitting in the same place all day and I did just fine academically. When there are less opportunities to step away from homework, it’s definitely hard to facilitate those on your own—but it’s so important. Make time for food, for outdoor time, for family, for friends (as long as you are staying safe!) Don’t think that the secret to success is zoom 24/7… Zoom fatigue is real!
- Losing sight of my passions aside from academics
I think it’s easy to forget about interests and hobbies outside of school in aa virtual learning setting, because academics become pretty consuming. Although this is an opportunity to focus more on studies with less distractions, it is so important not to lose sight of things you did for fun on the Hilltop as well! Set up those social zooms, meet with your student orgs, and don’t forget about all your passions outside of homework. For me, this has taken shape in reconnecting with friends I haven’t really talked to since March and starting some passion projects!
Although this list is far from comprehensive, I hope it was somewhat relatable for you. Our situation is not ideal at the moment, but at least we can take learnings from the spring to become more successful students. I can’t say I haven’t made these same mistakes since the semester started, but it’s good to keep things in perspective, and reflect while adjusting to an untraditional start of the school year. Wishing you a successful, happy, and fulfilling semester—wherever you may be! Hoya Saxa!