Title: Faculty, Staff Recognized for Contributions During 2015-2016 Academic Year
Georgetown recognizes the outstanding service and performance of faculty and staff during the 2015-2016 academic year.
Georgetown annually recognizes the outstanding service and performance of faculty and staff during the 2015-2016 academic year. Awardees include:
University Award
2016 Dorothy Brown Award: Rev. Kevin O’Brien, S.J., professor of theology and vie president of mission and ministry
Georgetown College
Edward B. Bunn Award for Faculty Excellence: Heidi Elmendorf, associate professor of biology, director of undergraduate students and studies in biology and director of science education outreach
Faculty of Languages and Linguistics Distinguished Service Award: Barbara Mujica, professor of Spanish and Portuguese
McCourt School of Public Policy
Leslie Whittington Award: Barbara Schone, teaching professor of public policy and faculty director of the Master of Public Policy Program
McDonough School of Business
Faculty Research Award: Christopher Rider, assistant professor of strategy
Joseph F. Le Moine Award for Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching Excellence:
Lynn Lanz Doran, teaching professor of finance
Bardia Kamrad, professor of operations and information management
Dean’s Distinguished Service Award: William Baber, professor of accounting
Academic Council Professor of the Year Student Choice Award: George Comer, associate professor of finance
Peter W. Gonzalez Jr. Award for Excellence in Adjunct Faculty Teaching: Craig O’Connor, adjunct professor
MBA Excellence in Teaching Award: Melissa Bradley, adjunct professor
Ronald L. Smith Distinguished Service Award from the MBA Program: Brian Cain, senior assistant director of MBA programs.
School of Continuing Studies
Dean’s Service Award:
Walter Rankin, deputy dean for the School of Continuing Studies, interim registrar and senior advisor to the provost for accreditation and special projects
Denise Keyes, senior associate dean for the Division of Professional Communications
Michelle Siemietkowski, director for graduate and undergraduate student formation in the Office of Mission and Ministry
David Currie, manager of digital classrooms and broadcast for the School of Continuing Studies
Outstanding Master’s in Professional Studies Faculty Award:
Sarah Kaczmarek, Center for Continuing and Professional Education
Ted Allen, Global Strategic Communications
Stuart Damon, Hospitality Management
Marcelline Babicz, Human Resources Management
Linda Kramer Jennings, Journalism
Joseph Firschein, Real Estate
Keith Scully, Sports Industry Management
Ramy Guirguis, Systems Engineering Management
Jean Stanford, Technology Management
Michael Stevens, Urban & Regional Planning
Carol Blymire, Public Relations & Corporate Communications
Kirby Wedekind, Emergency & Disaster Management
Outstanding Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies Faculty Award: Gregory Havrilak, assistant teaching professor of liberal studies
Outstanding Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Faculty Award: Jo Ann Moran Cruz, associate professor of history
School of Foreign Service
Faculty of the Year Award: Rev. Dennis McManus, visiting associate professor of foreign service
Constantine E. McGuire Medal: Elizabeth Stephen, associate professor of demography
School of Medicine
Leonard Tow Humanism Award in Medicine: Dr. Ranit Mishori, professor of family medicine
Magis Society of Master Teachers:
Dr. Bassem Haddad, professor of oncology
Dr. Joseph Timpone, associate professor of medicine
Kaiser Permanente Awards:
Stefano Vicini, professor of pharmacology and neuroscience
Dr. Rebecca Evangelista, associate professor of surgery
Mother of Pearl Award: Dr. John Costello, general surgery resident at Medstar Georgetown University Hospital
Circle Grants:
Donna Cameron, associate professor of family medicine, and Dr. Kim Bullock, associate professor of family medicine, “Fostering Professional Identity Formation in M1s: Shining Light on Unconscious Bias in Medical Education and Clinical Settings”
Beth Peshkin, professor of population sciences; Dean Rosenthal, professor of biochemistry and molecular and cellular biology; Carlos Suarez-Quian, professor of biochemistry and molecular and cellular biology, “Cadaver Exome Sequencing: Feasibility and Curriculum Development”
The Geza M. Illes Award: Dr.Aykut Üren, professor of molecular onocology
Physiology Teacher of the Year Award: Dr. Charles Read, professor of medicine
The Doctoring Award: Stacey Kaltman, professor of psychiatry
School of Nursing & Health Studies
Outstanding Achievement In Research: Irene Jillson, assistant professor of nursing
Outstanding Faculty Achievement in Education:
Carrie Bowman Dalley, instructor in the nurse anesthesia program
Jason Tilan, assistant professor of nursing and human science