Title: New Members Elected to Staff/AAP Advisory Council
Georgetown staff members and academic and administrative professionals (AAPs) elect 17 to the 31-member Staff/AAP Advisory Council.
Georgetown academic and administrative professionals (AAPs) and staff members elected 17 members to the 2013-2014 Staff/AAP Advisory Council, all of whom took office July 1 to begin the council’s second year of work.
The 17 members – 14 new members and three re-elected – join the 31-member council that includes four representatives for the Law Center, 10 for Main Campus, eight for the Medical Center and nine for university services.
The first meeting of the new council is set for this morning at 9 a.m.
The council was established a year ago to consult with university leadership on matters affecting the workplace among staff members and AAPs.
“Our first year was primarily focused on creating the administrative infrastructure through a constitution and bylaws, gathering topics of interest from staff and AAPs throughout the university and engaging the administration in conversations about our financial challenges,” says Peter Luger, who serves as the council’s first president. “I’m hopeful this next year will be about ideas that are more proactive than reactive.”
The new 2013-2014 council includes:
Law Center
Merced Ada, administrative assistant, Office of the Dean of Students
Christopher Jewell, director of systems development and privacy officer, Office of Information Systems Technology
Tracey Thomas, executive assistant, Edward Bennett Williams Law Library
Simone Woung, senior associate registrar, Office of the Registrar
Main Campus
Laura Bishop, academic program officer, Kennedy Center for Ethics
Rebecca Cassidy, associate director and academic counselor, McDonough School of Business
Meghan Dimsa, assistant director for fitness and wellness, Yates Field House
Nadim El-Khoury, information technology infrastructure manager, School of Foreign Service-Qatar
Rachael Godlove, assistant dean for academic affairs and compliance, School of Continuing Studies
Meghan Hogge, director of academic events, Office of the University Registrar
Sonia Jacobson, assistant, Academic Affairs, Office of the Provost
Clare Ogden, executive assistant to the dean, School of Foreign Service
Anne Ridder, assistant dean for graduate liberal studies, School of Continuing Studies
Maria Snyder, senior grants administrator, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Medical Center
Margarita Abaunza, educational coordinator, School of Medicine
Samuel Aronson, assistant director, School of Nursing & Health Studies
Trudy Bright, deputy director, Office of Sponsored Research
L. Whitman Brown, assistant director of finance and administration, School of Medicine
Muftiat Fahm, director of decision support for financial analysis and planning, Medical Center
Jennifer Kluge, chief of staff, biomedical graduate research organization
Ellen McLaughlin, director of research operations, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
Lauren Wolkoff, director of communications, Georgetown University Medical Center
University Services
Carole Goodwin, executive assistant to the vice president and chief information officer, University Information Services
Margo Gottesman, special assistant to the vice president for university planning and facilities management
Lan Hoang, administrative coordinator, Department of Public Safety
Rebecca Jones, business manager for university planning and facilities management
Peter Luger, chief of staff, Office of the Senior Vice President for Research Chief Technology Officer
Brigette Logan McNeil, senior financial officer, Office of the Chief Business Officer
Tawanna Price, administrator for university planning and facilities management
Mary Spring, senior human resources generalist, Department of Human Resources
Z. Michael Wang, program manager for new media strategy and innovation, University Information Services