Title: Faculty and Staff Recognized for Excellence
Georgetown honors members of the university community for their teaching, scholarship and service during 2012-2013 academic year.
Each year, Georgetown recognizes the outstanding service, performance and research of faculty and staff. More than 55 members of the university community received awards for their contributions to the university during the 2012-2013 academic year. Awardees include:
University Award
2013 Dorothy Brown Award: Rev. Stephen Fields, S.J., professor of theology
Georgetown College
Edward B. Bunn Award for Faculty Excellence: Steve Sabat, professor of psychology
Faculty of Languages and Linguistics Distinguished Service Award: Emily Francomano, associate professor of Spanish and Portuguese, director of graduate studies for the Spanish literature program, director of the comparative literature program
Georgetown Public Policy Institute
Leslie Whittington Award: Adam Thomas, visiting professor of public policy
Graduate School of Arts and Science
Distinguished Achievement in Research Award: Carol Benedict, professor and chair of history
Distinguished Career in Research Award: Robert Lieber, professor of government and international affairs
Law Center
Faculty Member of the Year: Jane Aiken, professor of law and director of the community justice project
David J. McCarthy Award for Excellence in Administration and Service: Charles Pruett, assistant dean for financial aid
Carol Quindlen O’Neil Award: Marilyn Tucker, director for alumni careers and international internships
Special Merit Awards: Chukwudi Aninye, information systems technology; Christopher Ballantyne, information systems technology; Daniel Matthews, registrar’s office; Eugene Nock, public safety; Niko Perazich, Institute for Public Representation; Phoebe Ramsey, O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law; and Teruko Richardson, clinical education and public interest and community service
Special Performance Awards: Merced Ada, dean of students office; Douglas Adgerson, information systems technology; Amy Cavanaugh, residence life; Linda Davis, law library; Kiana Graham, special events; Erin Jay, special events; Lynda Sanders, registrar’s office; and Caroline Springer, admissions office
McDonough School of Business
Faculty Research Award: Catherine Tinsley, professor of management
Joseph F. LeMoine Award for Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching Excellence: Arthur Dong, teaching professor of strategy
Dean’s Distinguished Service Award: Stanley Nollen, professor of strategy, economics, ethics and public policy
Peter W. Gonzalez Jr. Award for Excellence in Adjunct Faculty Teaching: James Baisey, adjunct professor
Academic Council Professor of the Year Student Choice Award: Charles Skuba, professor of the practice of marketing
School of Continuing Studies
Dean’s Service Award: Kristen Consolo,assistant dean for planning; Laurie Jarema,associate dean for finance and administration; and Sissel Malmbekk, associate dean for operations
Outstanding Faculty Award: John Reuscher, professor emeritus of philosophy, bachelor of arts in liberal studies; William O’Brien, adjunct instructor, graduate liberal studies; Nicole Johnson, adjunct instructor, human resources management; Jeff Sonderman, adjunct instructor, Journalism; Tiphané Turpin, visiting assistant professor, public relations and corporate communications; James Dalkin,adjunct instructor, real estate; Martin Conway, adjunct instructor, sports industry management; and Roger Nebel, adjunct instructor, technology management
School of Medicine
GUMC Leadership in Research Award:Dr. C. Richard Schlegel, professor of pathology
GUMC Research Recognition Award:Victoria Shanmugam, assistant professor of medicine
MAGIS Society of Master Teachers:Dr.Susan Mulroney, professor of pharmacology and physiology; Dr. Stephen R.T. Evans, professor of surgery
The Kaiser-Permanente Award:Dr.Sean Whelton, associate professor of medicine rheumatology; Dr. Lawrence Kromer, professor of neuroscience
The Leonard Tow Humanism Award: Dr. Dennis Murphy,assistantprofessor of medicine (general internal)
GUMC Outstanding Service Award:Dr. Shyrl Sistrunk, assistant professor of medicine
Lifetime Contribution Award:Herbert Herscowitz, professor of microbiology and immunology
Georgetown Women in Medicine Eisenberg Career Development Award:Suzanne O’Neill, assistant professor of oncology; Dr. Nazaneen Grant, assistant professor of otolaryngology; Rochelle E. Tractenberg, assistant professor of neurology; and Dr. Yumi Jarris, associate professor of family medicine
Georgetown Women in Medicine Estelle Ramey Mentorship Award: Jane Fall-Dickson, assistant chair for research in nursing department
Georgetown Women in Medicine Outstanding Achievement Award:Guinevere Eden, associate professor of pediatrics and director of the Center for the Study of Learning
TheCIRCLEGrants Award
Inter-disciplinary Educational Experience (IDEE):Bernard Horak, Dr. Shyrl Sistrunk
Creating an Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Pilot for Georgetown University (GU) School of Medicine (SOM) and School of Nursing & Health Studies (NHS) Students:Wendy Z. Thompson, Susan Coleman, and Donna Cameron
A Longitudinal Population Health Curriculum: EmergencyPreparedness and Beyond:Dr. Yumi Shitama Jarris, Dr. Ranit Mishori and Dr. Mary Furlong
Cognitive complexity training to support cross-disciplinemultiple choice exam item evaluation: Rochelle Tractenberg
Nursing and Medical Student collaborative team teaching inemergency situations: A Pilot Project: Dr. Kim A. Bullock, Peggy A. Compton and Dr. Dave Milzman
School of Foreign Service
Faculty of the Year Award: Rev. Matthew Carnes, S.J., assistant professor of government
Constatine E. McGuire Medal: David Edelstein, associate professor in the School of Foreign Service
School of Nursing & Health Studies
Faculty Achievement: Laura Anderko, associate professor and the Robert and Kathleen Scanlon Endowed Chair in Values Based Health Care; Margaret Baker assistant professor of international health