The Asian Studies program at the School of Foreign Service receives a gift of $5 million to establish an Endowed Chair in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Politics and Foreign Policy.
APRIL 28, 2015–A Gift of $5 Millionfrom the Japanese government will establish an Endowed Chair in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Politics and Foreign Policy in the Asian Studies program at the School of Foreign Service (SFS).
Victor Cha
“We are deeply appreciative to have been chosen for this gift,” says Victor Cha, the D.S. Song-Korea Foundation Chair and Professor of Government and International Affairs who directs the SFS Asian Studies program. “We understand that Georgetown was selected based on its location in Washington, D.C., and its faculty excellence in Japanese politics, history, language and culture.”
Established over 30 years ago, the Asian Studies program recently expanded to include both undergraduate and graduate studies. The new chair will prepare the next generation of U.S.-based scholars and practitioners focused on academia, the private sector or public service in Japan.
“This chair will mark SFS as one of the world’s leading institutions for the study of contemporary Japanese politics and foreign policy,” says Michael Green, associate professor of international relations at the School of Foreign Service.