Dear Members of the Georgetown Research Community:
Please read through this entire message as information related to research activities has changed.
We are currently making plans to expand research activities across the Medical Center and Main Campus, in the event that public health conditions allow. For now, however, our policy remains unchanged, and we continue to operate at 25% capacity. This message is to inform you of changes in the process that should be followed in complying with our current policy. In particular, we are pleased to present a new and easier submission process for ongoing personnel changes.
The GMS portal for submitting Research Resumption Plans will be retired on Wednesday, March 17, after which you will need to use a new electronic form to make requests on behalf of new team members needing access to campus. When making any changes in personnel, please make sure your operations remain within the 25% capacity limit.
The new management system is simple and will allow you and the designated reviewers to track the approval process. You can submit a request to add a single researcher or upload a file with multiple requests.
If you have already submitted a proposal in GMS, there is no need to resubmit information. However, material in GMS that is saved as a “draft” will be deleted.
As a reminder, members of our community who are currently approved to be on campus in support of research activities, including those who have been vaccinated for COVID-19, should continue getting tested, per the University’s COVID-19 Testing Protocol: completing the COVID-19 Daily Check-in via the GU360 mobile app; keeping at least six feet apart from others; washing your hands frequently; and wearing a mask at all times on campus, except when alone in a private room with a closed door or in a private vehicle.
Billy Jack, Vice Provost for Research
Moshe Levi, GUMC Interim Dean for Research