Restless Inquiry
We are restless seekers in a complex world. We constantly question knowledge, connect ideas, remake meaning. Grounded in our Jesuit tradition of people for others, you’ll discover critical and innovative solutions to some of the world’s most challenging problems alongside a passionate learning community of students, faculty and university leaders.
A Testimonial

“When I look back, this is what I’m good at – trying new endeavors, testing the boundaries of my comfort zone. I live in that space of perpetual discovery and I stand indebted to Georgetown for offering all these pathways, all of these roads ‘less traveled by’.”
Engaging Our World
“Computer science concepts and technology can be applied toward environmental purposes in a really powerful way.” – Sam Balthazard, who uses machine learning to measure age in bottlenose dolphins.
How Can You Contribute?
Experiential and innovative learning. Critical thinking. Engaging new ideas and possibilities. Forging connections between disciplines. Searching for rich answers to questions of humanity. Finding solutions for our ever-evolving challenges.
Research for Our World
“We want our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren to be able to hear the birdsongs that we have enjoyed and composers have tried to imitate for time memorial. It would be a terrible shame if they were silenced. – Peter Marra, director of Georgetown Environmental Initiative