Psychology Colloquium: Ethnic-Racial Socialization in Early Childhood Research and Practice
Dr. Erica Coates
Psychologist & Assistant Professor
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry
Ethnic-Racial Socialization in Early Childhood Research and Practice
Ethnic-racial socialization (ERS), the process of conveying messages and meaning about race to children, has long been a protective parenting strategy used to prepare children to navigate a racist society while maintaining both their sense of worth and their physical safety. ERS has been identified as a culturally specific protective factor against racism and is associated with positive cognitive, academic, behavioral outcomes and strong racial identity for Black children. However, the majority of the ERS literature has been conducted with families with older children and adolescents. In today’s talk, I will review available literature on ERS in early childhood and highlight recent data collected during the pandemic. I will also discuss research integrating ERS practices into clinical practice.