Georgetown Mission Priority Examen
The Mission Priority Examen (MPE) provides an opportunity for each Jesuit college and university to undertake serious discussions about how the campus community understands its mission; establishes goals for its future; and realizes those goals in the years to come. Throughout the fall of 2023, Georgetown will be conducting its Mission Priority Examen. This page provides details on this process, prompts for reflection, and information on how members of the Georgetown community can share feedback with the Mission Priority Examen (MPE) Steering Committee. All faculty and staff at Georgetown are invited and encouraged to provide feedback to the Steering Committee.

Committee Membership
Thomas Banchoff, Ph.D., Vice President for Global Engagement
Fr. Mark Bosco, S.J., Ph.D., Vice President for Mission & Ministry
Fr. Matthew Carnes, S.J., Ph.D., Associate Professor (Walsh School)
Soyica Colbert, Ph.D., Vice President for Interdisciplinary Initiatives
Edwin Darrell, Director of Residential Education
Thomas DeLeire, Ph.D.. Provost’s Distinguished Professor (McCourt School)
Meghan Dubyak, Associate Vice President for Strategic Communications
Patricia Grant, Ed.D., Senior Associate Dean of the Undergraduate Program
Gregory Klass, Ph.D., Frederick J. Haas Chair in Law and Philosophy (Law Center)
Jamie Kralovec, Associate Director for Mission Integration (SCS)
Jeanne Lord, Ed.D., Senior Advisor to the President
Kathleen Maguire-Zeiss, Ph.D., Professor & Department Chair (Neuroscience) (GUMC)
Anne Nebel, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Teaching, Learning, & Assessment (GU-Q)
Ray Shiu, Deputy Director (Center for Social Justice)
Stephen Sundborg, S.J., Ph.D., Special Assistant to the President
Jeanine Turner, Ph.D., Professor, Communication, Culture, and Technology Program (The Graduate School)
Madeline Vitek Memenza, Director for Mission Integration, Main Campus (Mission & Ministry)
Roberta Waite, Ph.D., Dean (School of Nursing)
Summary of the 2023-2024 Mission Priority Examen
Explore the outcomes of the latest Mission Priority Examen, and read the report.