Georgetown Remembers Madeleine Albright
The first woman to serve as U.S. secretary of state and a long-time public servant committed to serving the needs of women and girls, Madeleine Albright joined Georgetown’s faculty in the School of Foreign Service in 1982. Over the past four decades, she frequently shared her national security and diplomatic expertise with the Georgetown community through events, advocacy and her famed undergraduate course, “American National Security Tool Box.”
Honoring Her Legacy: A Symposium on Diplomacy
Prominent American and foreign policymakers — including President Bill Clinton (SFS’68) and former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — convened on Georgetown’s campus for a symposium celebrating the life and work of Madeleine K. Albright.

A Testimonial

“We honor the life of Madeleine Albright—a leader who served not only our nation, but our world. Since she first joined our faculty in 1982, we have been honored by her leadership in our University community. She has inspired generations of students to pursue careers in public service and diplomacy. We remember her as a distinguished public servant, a groundbreaking leader, a devoted professor, and a seasoned diplomat who has demonstrated her visionary leadership on complex international issues. We express our most sincere condolences to her family and loved ones.”

In Her Own Words
Secretary Albright inspired students not only to understand the world, but to serve the world. “I love teaching at Georgetown,” she said. “I’m sometimes known as ‘Secretary,’ but most of all I like being known as ‘Professor.'”
Share a Message of Remembrance
Share your memories of Secretary Albright and her legacy with the hashtag #GURemembersSecAlbright.