To the Class of 2022…
We are proud of you, excited to recognize all of your accomplishments and looking forward to celebrating you at a commencement celebration we hope you always remember. 💙🐶
Dear Class of 2022
This Commencement Weekend, we gather with our families, friends and loved ones to celebrate the class of 2022: your gifts, your talents, your fullest selves poised to make an impact far beyond the Hilltop.
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Commencement Weekend Recap
To the tune of an impromptu chant of “Hoya Saxa” at Senior Convocation, Georgetown kicked off nine ceremonies to celebrate the Class of 2022’s Commencement — the first graduation back on the Hilltop in three years.

Watch the Full Ceremonies
Watch each ceremony and the special videos commemorating commencement and the Class of 2022.
We’re So Proud of You
Families and loved ones of graduates share memories, congratulatory messages and points of pride with the Class of 2022.