Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “A Unique Place in Georgetown History”

Author: Melissa K., 2003
Date Published: May 7, 2020

Hello. First off Congratulations! My name is Melissa and I graduated from the College in 2003.

You all are rock stars! I cannot imagine ending my senior year in the middle of a pandemic from home or another off campus location. But please remember this is not the end to your Georgetown time but rather then beginning of a new phase of it. I have loved connecting with the alumni groups and meeting new Georgetown alumni in the cities I have lived in since graduation and participating in creative, fun and unique events sponsored by the Georgetown clubs. I hope you considering connecting with these groups in the future and to those headed to Atlanta, I look forward to meeting you at events down here.

Your class will be remembered for their strength and flexibility and perseverance and will hold a unique place in Georgetown history. I wish everyone in the graduating class the best.

-Melissa K., 2003