Category: Messages to the Community

Title: An Update Regarding New Federal Regulations on Title IX and Sexual Misconduct

Dear Members of the Georgetown Community,

On Friday, April 19, the U.S. Department of Education announced new regulations regarding the duties of colleges and universities to address sexual misconduct under the federal nondiscrimination law known as Title IX, to take effect today, August 1, 2024.

This message provides an update on the University’s response to these regulations, the national context, and current policies in place at Georgetown.


Over the summer, we carefully reviewed the regulations to determine how they may affect our community and the University’s policies. We worked closely and collaboratively with students, faculty, and staff to ensure the needs of our community were considered as we made the changes necessary to comply with the new regulations.


On July 16, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas enjoined the Department of Education from implementing or enforcing the 2024 Title IX regulations in four states (not including Washington DC). The court granted the injunction on behalf of private plaintiffs, including Young America’s Foundation (YAF) and Female Athletes United (FAU), which argued that the Title IX regulations should not go into effect at any college or university attended by any member of either of these organizations. The decision was based on challenges to the rulemaking process and the authority of the Department of Education, among other grounds.

The court required these plaintiffs, by July 15, 2024, to identify the schools that their members attend. In addition to Georgetown, the list included approximately 700 schools, spanning all 50 states.

For now, the 2024 Title IX regulations do not apply to Georgetown, and we must continue to comply with the 2020 Title IX regulations.  The injunction, however, could be lifted, in whole or in part, at any moment. At such time, the 2024 regulations would be immediately enforceable against Georgetown.

Accordingly, we have finalized revised policies and procedures to comply with the 2024 regulations, to use in the event that the 2024 regulations become effective.

Current Policies and Procedures in Effect

Georgetown University remains committed to providing a safe and hospitable environment for all members of its community.

Unless and until the new 2024 regulations apply to Georgetown, the University’s current sexual misconduct policies and procedures apply to all concerns regarding sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

As always, the Office of Title IX Compliance remains readily available to help individuals who may have any concerns regarding sex discrimination and harassment, including sexual misconduct. Further, individuals can explore resources, including confidential counseling, using the Online Resource Center.

We know there is more to do and we are continuing to strengthen our resources, particularly focused on supporting vulnerable and underserved populations. We will focus on sexual misconduct education and prevention, provide support for individuals impacted and continue to implement prompt and equitable processes to respond to reports of sexual misconduct.

We look forward to continuing to work with our community as we navigate these changes and reaffirming our commitment to creating a safe environment for all.


Samantha Berner
Title IX Coordinator and Director of Title IX Compliance

Rosemary Kilkenny
Vice President, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer