Category: Georgetown Faces

Title: Ayodele Aruleba (C’17)

Ayodele Aruleba smiles for the camera in a hallway.

“I cannot say that just one moment defines my Georgetown experience, but a series of moments–ever since I visited in high school–have really shown me the beauty of the intellectual curiosity that permeates our campus community.

As someone who loves friendly (but passionate) debate, although many of the people I found on my freshman floor seemed to be distant from the Bronx neighborhood I call home, their sharp minds and different personal experiences continue to animate our discussions on wide-ranging social and political topics to this day.

Georgetown is home to me not because of the fancy buildings like Healy Hall, or its prestigious reputation, but rather because of the university’s care for the whole person as each of us attempts to live our lives for others.”

More Georgetown Faces

A woman with black hair, glasses and a black blazer smiles while sitting behind a table with a laptop in front of her.

Yi Song (L’10) first visited Georgetown as a 22-year-old exchange student. Now she helps international law students build fulfilling careers, just as she has.

A man with gray hair and a mustache stands in front of a football field. He wears an olive jacket.

When Tom Crowley arrived in 1997 as a maintenance electrician, he had an unexpected task: decking the university’s 19-foot Christmas tree with lights.

Fr. David Pratt has been a chaplain at Georgetown for eight years. Before that, he spent over two decades serving on aircraft carriers and aboard destroyer squadrons in the Navy.