Category: Messages to the Community

Title: COVID-19 Update: New Telework Guidelines and Procedures and Travel Guidance

Dear Georgetown University Faculty and Staff, 

Providing a healthy and safe workplace is a top priority for Georgetown University, particularly during the complex, evolving COVID-19 outbreak. We write today to share guidance on how best to care for our people and workplace and prepare for business continuity as we respond to COVID-19 and related issues on our campuses.

Operating Status/Telework

Following the message from President DeGioia you received earlier today, we are taking steps to minimize the possible transmission of COVID-19 and promote the best practice of social distancing. Beginning Monday, March 16, the university is moving to a virtual learning environment and, as a consequence, is also moving to an operating status of a telework flexible environment. In support of this effort, we are encouraging telework for Staff, AAPs and temporary employees where possible given our current operating status pursuant to the COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures.  

Senior leaders and Human Resources will work together to identify employees whose positions allow for telework at the present time. Those employees who are instructed to telework will be notified by an email from Human Resources on Friday, March 13. If an employee does not receive an email instructing them to telework, then they are expected to report to work on campus as usual on Monday, March 16. These guidelines and procedures do not apply to emergency employees who provide essential in-person services on campus. 

Please review and familiarize yourself with these guidelines and procedures, which can also be found on the Georgetown Human Resources website. Supervisors and employees should seek guidance and coordination from Human Resources, as needed. Questions on the telework policy should be referred to the HR Services line at the (202) 687-2500 or Charles DeSantis, Interim Vice President of Human Resources.

University Information Services has also created a new website with resources to help transition to an online teaching and working environment. In order to transition to remote work, please find the following equipment request forms. If you are approved for telework and do not currently have access to a laptop or wifi, please secure your supervisor’s approval and proceed to fill out the relevant forms below:

New Travel Guidance

The university is also suspending university-sponsored or related non-essential domestic air and Amtrak travel through May 15, 2020. We will continue to reassess this guidance and will update these temporary restrictions as appropriate. This suspension includes travel associated with one’s scholarly activities as a Georgetown employee and travel funded by a grant, foundation, company or other university. 

If a faculty or staff member believes there is a compelling university-related reason for domestic air or Amtrak travel, they should consult with the office of the Provost or campus executive vice president (for Medical and Law Centers), senior vice president and chief operating officer (for staff of University Services), or the vice president and chief of staff (for direct reports to the president) to request an exception allowing for such travel.

 Decisions about travel exceptions will be holistic with the following criteria in mind: Does the travel advance the university’s mission? Are there any alternatives to in-person attendance, including virtual attendance? Can the event be postponed or attended at a later date? Does the size and density of the event create a public health risk? Is the event’s host following rigorous public health guidelines? To your knowledge, will attendees at the event be traveling from CDC Level 2 or Level 3 countries? Has the CDC issued any travel restrictions for your destination?

We would like to acknowledge the members of our community who have been working on these issues around the clock. The university is grateful to have such dedicated, knowledgeable and committed faculty and staff helping us navigate this complex situation. 

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work through this evolving public health emergency. You can find all university updates, answers to frequently asked questions and other resources related to coronavirus on the Georgetown University website.


Robert M. Groves, Provost

Edward B. Healton, Executive Vice President for Health Sciences and Executive Dean of the School of Medicine

William M. Treanor, Executive Vice President and Dean of the Law Center

Geoffrey S. Chatas, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer