Students are shown walking past a tall campus dorm building.
Category: Campus Life, Student Blog

Title: Decorating Do’s and Don’ts

DO Have a vision and go with it

The easiest way to make your room look put together is to have a vision. Whether it’s your school colors or purposefully eclectic, shopping and decorating will be so much easier if you think about what you want your room to look like beforehand.

DON’T Stress too much about it

Although decorating is fun, it’s not the most important part of your freshman year. Don’t worry if you can’t find the perfect bedding or can’t decide if you want a rug or not. Decorating is fun and should be the least stressful part of your move-in experience!

DO Coordinate with your roommate (if you’re both into it)

Going into freshman year you will most likely be living with a stranger. Coordinating what your decor with your new roommate could help you bond before you start living together. It will be a great start to your year if you both are excited about what your room will look like.

DON’T Feel like you have to coordinate

Don’t feel compelled to coordinate if you or your new roomie isn’t into that sort of thing. Forcing a group activity is never fun and the most important thing is creating a space that you both feel comfortable and happy in.

DO Personalize your space

Posters, photos, string lights, wall decals and everything in between. Putting up reminders of home and the things you like will add an air of familiarity to your new room. You’ll feel right at home surrounded by the things that you love.

DON’T Leave everything blank

Although you probably won’t feel like your room is missing anything if you don’t decorate, your room will feel so much warmer if you do. You don’t have to go overboard but a little something to brighten up your room can go a long way in helping you adjust to your new home.