Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “Excited to Watch You Continue to Grow,” William M.

Dear Will,

You have worked very hard to get where you are now. You have transformed into an independent (you could live anywhere), hard-working young man. Your interests have guided you to explore tough academic subjects, which you have welcomed with all the rigor those subjects entailed. I am very proud of you and am excited to watch you continue to grow.

At Georgetown, you have been able to see what it’s like to live on the other side of our country. You have a much deeper understanding of the American culture. This perspective will serve you well as you venture into the world of work and as you continue your studies in the future.

You are super intuitive and know the needs of others – sometimes even before they do so themselves. Being helpful to others (and to animals) has always been a huge part of your personality. May this tendency be what brings you all the success and satisfaction that your daily life can bring.

You have a cunning mind that can quickly discern the essential information from the extraneous. I love hearing you tell how you see things unfolding – even during this extremely difficult time (with so many people affected by the pandemic, the closing of schools, and the graduation ceremonies cancellations, etc.) I am happy to be part of your journey. Keep questioning everything and sharing your perspective. Your guidance to those around you matters, so keep speaking up to share with others and to show you care. In addition, you are learning the value of others’ points of view and experiences as you follow in their footsteps.

I love you so much and hope you continue to recognize and seize the opportunities that will aid in your intellectual and emotional growth.


Your Mama