Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “Find Support and Guidance in Life’s Adventures”

Author: David H. (2011)
Date Published: May 12, 2020

2020 Hoyas,

I know this isn’t the Senior year or graduation day you imagined. While the ceremony is an incredible capstone and you are entitled to every emotion around the end of your on campus career, I hope that the advice and love of others Hoyas can see you through the day. My message to you is simple – graduation is not the end. In fact, I’m not even sure it’s the end of the beginning. The day you walked onto the Hilltop was the day you joined the Hoya family. It’s reach is global and it’s care of its members seemingly infinite. You will find support, guidance and a friendly face in all of life’s adventures. You have also inherited a responsibility – to show up for other Hoyas, in whatever capacity you are capable of.

I hope you are able to find a way to celebrate your incredible achievement that is meaningful and fulfilling to you. Hoya Saxa!

-David H. (2011)