The words "Cawley Career Education Center" are engrained in gold letters above a set of glass doors with navy blue frames.
Category: Campus Life, Student Blog

Title: Finding a Job on the Hilltop

Author: Trinity
Date Published: October 22, 2019

Coming into my first semester as a work-study student, I was nervous about finding a job that was the right fit for me. However, a year later, I have not only found 1 job that fulfills my work-study requirement and preferences, but also 2 others that allow me to simultaneously do things that I am passionate about and make money (the sweet spot)!

Currently, I have three jobs. I work at the McDonough School of Business Technology Center (which is the highest paying job on campus!), the Georgetown Stories Team (which involves producing this piece of content!), and the Georgetown Writing Center (which I am starting this semester.) Last year, my third job was as a research assistant for the Center of Social Justice.

As a result, I am very familiar with the job search process, and I have navigated finding the balance between working and maintaining my academics (and social life) for a while now. Here are a few of my tips for finding a job on Campus, so you can GET THAT COIN!

1. Decide What You Want

Are you just seeking to fill your work-study requirement? Do you want to do something that intersects with your passions? Do you want a monotonous job or one that could be different each day? How many hours do you want to work each week? Do you want to be friends with your coworkers? Your answers to these questions will inform what you should search for when looking for a job, and knowing the answers in advance will help you sift through the plethora of options a lot faster!

2. Use HoyaWorks

This website allows you to filter jobs based on work-study, location (on campus vs. off campus), wages, number of hours, and time frames. It is a great resource to find and apply for many jobs!

3. Read Your Emails, Pay Attention to Flyers, and Ask Around

Although Hoya Works is an excellent resource during a job search, word of mouth and communications are also valuable resources. All the jobs I have occupied on campus, I have heard about through word of mouth, a flyer, or an email. Different campus organizations and departments are always looking for students to work for them to add value to their team. Specifically, you can normally find jobs that parallel with your passions this way!

4. Stay Optimistic

The job search can be pretty grueling at times. Students often end up applying to numerous jobs and hear nothing back. Stay positive! That job that you want/need is out there somewhere; you just have to find it!

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