Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “Take Comfort in the Friendships and Memories”

Author: Bridget O. (SFS '11)
Date Published: May 6, 2020

While at the time of my graduation in 2011, I thought that my experience wouldn’t have been complete without Dis-O, commencement on Healy lawn, and one last romp in Dahlgren Fountain, almost a decade later what truly sticks with me from my time on the Hilltop are the enduring relationships that continue to sustain me, even through this pandemic.

Class of 2020, while this graduation won’t look like you thought it would when you first stepped on campus, take comfort in the friendships and memories you have cultivated over the last four years. Even though it’s been so long since last you met in person, know that some of them will last a lifetime!

-Bridget O. (SFS ’11)