Arizona State and Georgetown universities host the new Academy for Innovative Higher Education Leadership, which will help prepare senior leaders from 21 universities for organizational change.
The founding director of the new academy is Jeffrey J. Selingo, a higher education author, former editor of The Chronicle of Higher Education and senior advisor and professor of practice at ASU.
NOVEMBER 15, 2014TWO DOZEN SENIOR LEADERSfrom from 21 universities have been selected as fellows in the new Academy for Innovative Higher Education Leadership co-hosted by Arizona State University (ASU) and Georgetown.
The eight-month program, which began Nov. 13 and takes place at Georgetown and ASU, focuses on preparing the fellows to lead organizational change at colleges and universities.
“Unlike many higher-education leadership programs, the academy’s focus will be on applying new solutions to the most pressing challenges facing our universities and scaling successful innovations to address those challenges,” said ASU President Michael Crow.
The founding director of the new academy is Jeffrey J. Selingo, a higher education author, former editor ofThe Chronicle of Higher Educationand senior advisor and professor of practice at ASU.
Fellows include representatives from the University of Pennsylvania, Ohio State University, Washington University in St. Louis and Clemson University.
During four intensive sessions in Washington, D.C., and Tempe, Arizona, fellows at the academy will be introduced to the latest thinking and research about change leadership, teaching and learning in a digital age, external challenges facing higher education and the financial sustainability of institutions.
Participants also will apply the principles of “design thinking” to reimagine the future of higher education and will focus on a real-world project during the program. “The work of this Academy,” said Georgetown President John J. DeGioia, “provides an opportunity for university leaders to engage the questions facing higher education, to experiment with creative solutions to meet new needs, and to ever more deeply understand the guiding principles that protect the core mission and ethos of the university.”
A mix of seminars, hands-on workshops, design sessions and fireside chats with leading thinkers from various industries will help the fellows prepare for leading innovation at their own institutions.Diverse FacultyAcademy faculty members represent a cross-section of higher education scholars and leaders from other sectors, such as health care and the military that are facing similar challenges.
These include Cathy Trower, co-founder of the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education; Dawan Stanford and Kathleen deLaski of Education Design Lab; Arthur Dong of Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business; Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Ben Freakley of the McCain Institute for International Leadership at ASU; and Eugene S. Sunshine, former senior vice president for business and finance at Northwestern University.
Georgetown participants include Jane Aiken, associate dean for experiential education at the Law Center and Adriana Kugler, vice provost for faculty and professor at the McCourt School of Public Policy.For more information go to