Georgetown Law Center partners with the American Constitution Society and Campaign Legal Center to establish a Voting Rights Institute offering students, recent graduates and fellows the opportunity to engage in voting rights litigation and policy work and to educate attorneys on the best practices of voting rights advocates.
, Law Center Dean William Treanor addresses the audience at the National Press Club on Oct. 2 as he announces the new Voting Rights institute established in partnership with the American Constitution Society and the Campaign Legal Center.
– Georgetown has established a Voting Rights Instituteto allow students to work on cases of disenfranchisementand provide training opportunities for students, attorneys and advocates.
The institute has been createdin partnership with the American Constitution Society and the Campaign Legal Center.
Protecting and preserving the right to vote is in keepingwith the Law Center’s ethos that “law is but the means, justice is the end,”Dean William Treanor explained during the institute’s Oct. 2 formallaunch at the National Press Club.
“In a time of intense concern for and scrutiny of voting rights, the institute will develop innovative legal and policy solutions that protect the right to vote, while training the next generation of lawyers and leaders,” Treanor said. “Our goal is to make the Voting Rights Institute at Georgetown Law a hub of thoughtful engagement on all voting rights issues in the U.S.”