Online learning platform edX selects Georgetown to bring together university leaders from across the world to collaborate and imagine the future of global education, at the fifth edX Global Forum this coming November.
Georgetown will bring together university leaders from all over the world to collaborate with one another and imagine the future of global education at the fifth edX GlobalForumNov. 8-10.
Georgetown is entering its third year in partnership with edX, a not-for-profit enterprise that promotes learning for a global audience and interactive study via the web. This fall’s global forum will allow edX member organizations to share experiences on pedagogical research, blended learning and emerging trends in open access learning.
Over the past two years, the university has created a number of online degree and nondegree programs and eight Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) with more than 125,000 enrolled students.
Growing Online Focus
The university’s growing body of online courses represents Georgetown’s values of academic rigor, personal reflection and ethical grounding.
CNDLS has expanded its collaboration with academic programs and faculty at Georgetown to create an online learning experience that emphasizes deep learning for students within and across domains.
The center is designing virtual environments that cater to disposition and cognition in keeping with Georgetown’s Jesuit tradition of cura personalis, or care of the whole person.
The initiative, also approaching its third year, has had a demonstrable impact on campus. In addition to incubating boundary-pushing experiments, ITEL has facilitated tools and practices such as web-based simulations, learning analytics and network analysis and blended courses.
The first ITEL Report, released this past November, explores these emerging practices and their impact on campus.