Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “Go Forth, Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone”

If you are anything like our graduating senior you will being leaving Georgetown a vastly different person to the one who arrived on the Hilltop in 2016. She found great friends and great mentors, teachers who invested in her enormously and enriched her profoundly as a person and as a scholar. Teachers who will always be dear to her. After several detours she finally found her passion, and the very important field she is now going to work in.

Most importantly of all, she learned to take risks, she learned that they paid off and once she realised the power of operating outside her comfort zone she literally travelled the world and found her value and the power of her voice. That is an extraordinary journey.

She is a member of the Centennial Class of the SFS which is a special honour, but you are all members of one of the most extraordinary classes to graduate from Georgetown.

You leave the Hilltop at one of the most challenging times in this nation and the world’s history, but if you have been through even half the journey our daughter has, we are sure you will be equipped for the new world and society on the other side of this pandemic and of our current travails. Go forth, go beyond your comfort zone, find your voice and always be women and men for others. Good luck and Hoya Saxa!

-Sharon S.