Sitcom Rivals in Journalism School
Charis Hanner (G’18) is a producer at NBC News and Daniel Gomez (G’18) is a policy staffer in the Senate.
How They Met: 
Charis: We were studying journalism in the School of Continuing Studies. We had a journalism class together every semester. We both started noticing that we were the most outspoken in class. When I say we were rivals, if he said something right wing, I answered left wing. If he had a historical fact, I had a historical fact. It was like a sitcom. I never expected it to go anywhere.
Daniel: We were frenemies, not necessarily rivals. We mostly had spirited discussions about politics, journalism, culture and how the program could take us closer to our goals.
How They Knew:
Charis: We were out for pizza with our cohort one night, and we were talking about falling in love. It sounds so cheesy, but I remember having a thought like, it’s going to be the two of us. I shook it off. A few months later, he asked me out for dinner one night. The rest is history.
Daniel: I remember where I stood when I asked her on our first date. It felt like a good opportunity to get to know her better. It was history after that.
Charis and Daniel were engaged in 2020. Charis converted to Catholicism, and they married at Dahlgren Chapel in 2021.
Daniel: Charis is absolutely fearless in front of the camera, and I know it’s because she draws strength from the little girl on the other side of the screen. I hoped it would rub off, but I’ll take the last name for now.
Charis: When I’m with him, I always feel at peace. And it all started because of SCS. I’m in the job I’m in, and I’m married to my husband because of Georgetown. It helped keep a roof over our heads and keep our hearts warm.
‘I Married Up’ 
Michael Karam (SFS’72, L’76) is a retired Department of Justice tax lawyer and active alumnus at Georgetown. His wife, Linda Morgan (L’76), was the last chair of the U.S. Interstate Commerce Commission and first chair of the Surface Transportation Board. Linda passed away in 2015.
How They Met:
Michael: I can’t remember the exact moment, in large part because Linda was a force of nature at the Law Center. She was a law student, she spearheaded all the student committees, and she was involved in student government. I was always aware of Linda.
Their first date was at a Georgetown vs. Holy Cross men’s basketball game at McDonough Gym in February 1976. They both loved basketball, and they sat in bleachers behind the basket.
Michael: She accepted me for who I was. I was shy when it came to women. She had a way of drawing me out. I had a way of spontaneity and goofiness that appealed to her. It served us well over 38 years.
Michael proposed to Linda the night after their bar exam in 1977. It was spur-of-the-moment; he doesn’t believe he had a ring. They married at Dahlgren Chapel in 1977; the then-Law Center chaplain, Father James B. Malley, S.J., presided over their wedding. Michael worked at the Department of Justice as a tax lawyer for 28 years. Linda was the first female General Counsel of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. They had one daughter, Meredith (C’07). In 2011, Linda was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer. After a two-year period of remission, the cancer recurred, and she passed away in 2015.
Michael: Georgetown was one of those places that got me through when Linda died. The dean of the Law Center was the very first call I received after it happened. It meant the world to me. Whether it was the athletic department, main campus, law center, Georgetown was there for me. I can never repay what Georgetown has done for me and my family.
Linda was a force of nature. That continued throughout our 38 years of marriage. Boy was she an amazingly impressive woman! Like all men who know what’s going on, I married up. It turned out well for the both of us, I have to say.