Category: Messages to the Community

Title: Immersive Summer Experience for the Class of 2024 and Transfer Students

Dear Georgetown Faculty,

As mentioned in the November letter from President DeGioia, the University plans to launch an exciting on-campus Summer Hilltop Immersion Program for the Class of 2024 and our new transfer students. We want to offer current first year and new transfer students the opportunity to participate in the bonding experience that naturally occurs by sharing spaces with classmates on the Hilltop Campus, in residence halls, in classrooms, and libraries.

Last Wednesday, we sent an email invitation to first year and transfer students to come to campus to enjoy the Summer Hilltop Immersion Program.

The Class of 2024 provided important feedback and ideas regarding features of the summer program. The program development was also guided by feedback from public health experts. To encourage broad student participation, financial aid awards for students typical of the academic year will be offered to permit full participation of class members.

All planning for the Summer Hilltop Immersion Program is provisional and subject to modification based on public health conditions, and review and acceptance by the Washington, DC government.

Program Overview:

We are planning for the Summer Hilltop Immersion Program to be a five week program focused on the Class of 2024 and other new Hoyas that will take place from June 4 to July 9, 2021. An initial list of course offerings is provided below. In addition, there will be a series of one-credit hour courses that are built around experiential opportunities and programs to help students learn some of the Jesuit values that animate Georgetown, like “women and men for others,” “community in diversity,” “cura personalis,” and other core aspects of who we are. There will also be opportunities for students to meet and get to know faculty through small meetings related to current topics, their research, or courses that may be of interest to students.

If faculty members are interested in participating in the Summer Hilltop Immersion Program by teaching a 3-credit or 1-credit course, please contact: 

Pablo Irusta, NHS

Thomas Chiarolanzio, College

Mark Giordano, SFS

Dennis Quinn, MSB

If students have questions about the program please refer them to:

The student experience will feature opportunities to:

  • Interact with classmates in a residential experience on the Hilltop;
  • Explore Washington, DC and engage in one of the most vibrant cities in the world;
  • Learn from upperclass student leaders in an immersive orientation experience;
  • Explore co-curricular opportunities that are available to students when they return in the Fall to help in their formation as developing Hoyas;
  • Begin career planning with services at the Cawley Career Education Center; and,
  • Learn about the many student supportive offices on campus including Health Education Services, the Writing Center, the Academic Resource Center, the Student Ombuds Office, Center for Social Justice, Campus Ministry and Counseling and Psychiatric Services.

Full-need financial aid will be available to eligible participating students to make this opportunity accessible to all our new Hoyas.

Below is an initial sample of classes that may be offered, assuming there is sufficient enrollment. This is not a complete list, and courses will continue to be added with a focus on first year and sophomore level courses.

Intro to Computer Science: Python, COSC-010

Computer Science I, COSC-051

Computer Science II, COSC-052

Econ Principles Micro, ECON-001

Econ Principles Macro, ECON-002

Intro to Film Studies, FMST-181

International Trade, ECON-243

Comparative Political Systems, GOVT-040

International Relations, GOVT-060

History in Focus, HIST-099

Middle East II, HIST-161

Introduction to Ethics, PHIL-010

Introduction to Philosophy, PHIL-020

Introduction to Sociology, SOCI-001

Writing and Culture, WRIT-015

Painting I: Oil, ARTS-150

Science courses: Organic Chemistry, General Chemistry, Foundations of Biology, Principles of Physics

Language courses:  Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish – levels vary by department

Introduction to Epidemiology, HESY 184

HealthCare in America I, HESY 010)

Nutrition and Disease Prevention, HEST 112

Probability and Statistics, Math 040

Health, Equity, and Justice: Understanding Factors, Creating Change

Anatomy & Physiology I, HSCO 113 (online)

Anatomy & Physiology II, HSCO 114 (online)

Accounting II, ACCT 102

Principles of Marketing, MARK 220

International Business, STRT 261


We will provide more specific information about the program soon.


Hoya Saxa,

Rohan Williamson

Vice Provost for Education