Category: Messages to the Community

Title: Important Information for Students Living Off Campus

Dear Off-Campus Student,

We write today with an update for students living off campus following COVID-19’s designation as a pandemic. Due to rapidly changing federal and state guidance, we urge in the strongest terms that you return to your permanent address as soon as possible.

As a reminder, students are expected to comply with all D.C. government and university directives in place as a result of this urgent situation. Any behavior that violates these directives will be regarded as a Failure to Comply in the Student Conduct system, in addition to any other relevant Code of Student Conduct charges. Failure to Comply violations routinely result in serious sanctions, up to suspension from the University.

Move-Out Process
If you are in the process of moving out and returning to your permanent address, the University’s Office of Neighborhood Life will be available through Sunday, March 29, to collect bulk trash in excess of what you are able to handle on your own, as well as any items in good condition you are not taking with you (e.g., furniture, appliances, etc.).

To utilize this service, please fill out this form and specify a date no later than Sunday, March 29. Please make sure that you have placed the items out for pickup. University resources are limited, so pickups are on a first come, first served basis. If your desired pickup date is unavailable, please choose another date on the form. Do not leave your items out on the curb without signing up for a date.

Each morning, ONL will send a list of properties scheduled for pickup to the Department of Public Works (DPW) to ensure these properties do not get cited by the city. If you do not sign up in advance, you are at risk of receiving a citation from DPW.

If you are unable to move out your belongings before the end of your lease date, you may wish to contract with a private company to pack up your belongings and have them stored or shipped. The university has compiled a list of companies that may be able to assist you.

Social Distancing, Self Isolation, and Government Recommendations
If you are unable to return to your permanent address it is important that you be aware that all university services and facilities are now extremely limited. In addition, we ask that you take special note of the following:

The CDC states that the best possible way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to avoid being exposed to the virus. As the virus spreads from person-to-person contact and many people may be asymptomatic (meaning no or only slight symptoms), it is recommended that everyone practice social distancing now to flatten the curve of the disease. Recommended measures include:

  • Staying at home
  • Avoiding social visits and gatherings
  • Avoiding all discretionary travel, shopping trips, etc.
  • Not having any visitors (communicate electronically with friends and loved ones)
  • Staying at least 6 feet away from other people even in your household

Additionally, earlier this week, District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser issued an order closing all restaurants and bars and prohibiting all gatherings of 50 or more people, including private parties. The federal government now recommends everyone avoid social gatherings of 10 or more people.

Failure to follow these guidelines places you, individuals around you, and the entire community at risk for continued spread of the disease.

Please note, if you become ill with COVID-19, please notify your housemates—whether still in D.C. or not—especially those who you have been in contact with in the last week. Those individuals should begin a self-quarantine for 14 days.

Expectations and Enforcement
To best ensure the safety of our community, please be aware:

  • The Student Neighborhood Assistance Program (SNAP) will continue to operate during this time, and the Code of Student Conduct remains in effect.
  • Policies regarding off-campus noise remain in effect at all times.
  • Students are prohibited from generating noise that can be heard beyond the property line.
  • Students are prohibited from holding events that violate the D.C. government prohibition on gatherings of 50 or more people.
  • In addition, you are strongly encouraged to abide by the federal government’s recommendation to avoid social gatherings of 10 or more people.
  • The Office of Student Conduct is continuing to quickly adjudicate cases in order to ensure the safety of our community. As mentioned above, any behavior that violates these directives will be regarded as a Failure to Comply in the Student Conduct system, in addition to any other relevant Code of Student Conduct charges. Failure to Comply violations routinely result in serious sanctions, up to suspension from the University.

Additional Information
Should you have additional questions, please contact our university call center at (202) 784-3510, Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. or visit for updates and answers to frequently asked questions, university messages, and other resources. Or contact the Office of Neighborhood Life at (202) 687-5138 or

We appreciate your patience and support as we navigate forward through these extraordinary times.

Sincerely yours,

Todd Olson
Vice President for Student Affairs

Chris Murphy
Vice President for Government Relations and Community Engagement