Category: Messages to Faculty, Messages to Staff, Messages to Students, Messages to the Community

Title:  Inviting Your Feedback on Proposed Title IX Regulation Changes

Dear Members of the Georgetown University Community,

The Department of Education released new proposed regulations regarding Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) on June 23, the 50th anniversary of the passing of Title IX into law. This comprehensive law prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational programs and activities, and Georgetown has worked to ensure the perspectives, needs and mission of our community are reflected in regulatory changes to how the law is enforced. 

The Department of Education has shared a summary of significant highlights in its press release and has made the unofficial proposed regulations available for review. The public may submit comments on this proposal once the 60-day review period is opened, sometime in the next few weeks.

We anticipate that it will take significant time for the Department of Education to complete its review of public comments and finalize these newly proposed regulations.  Until that time, we will continue to maintain our Policy on Sexual Misconduct and sexual misconduct policies and procedures for each campus, which were developed in 2020 in consultation with eight different working groups of members of our community.

Seeking Community Feedback

As we review the proposed regulations and consider the potential impacts on our community, we seek your perspectives and recommendations. 

The community’s past feedback has played a crucial role, informing our comments on previously proposed regulations. In 2019, after significant community input, we submitted a comment in response to major proposed changes in the enforcement of Title IX, which were ultimately codified in 2020. In 2021, we submitted an additional comment expressing support for a review of federal Title IX regulations, including accounting for intersecting forms of discrimination; accounting for the significant rates at which LGBTQ+ students experience sexual harassment; ensuring students who have experienced sex discrimination receive support; and ensuring sexual misconduct grievance procedures are fair and equitable.

The Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity & Affirmative Action (IDEAA) will host the following virtual listening sessions to hear directly from our community and help inform University comments about these newly proposed regulations:

Members of our community may also submit comments on the proposed regulations to the University via this anonymous feedback form or submit feedback directly to the Department of Education when the 60-day comment period opens.

Ongoing University Efforts 

Georgetown University remains deeply committed to eradicating all forms of sexual assault and misconduct on campus and to providing an environment in which all members of our community can pursue their very best work.

The Title IX office provides regular news and updates on campus-wide initiatives, including our Title IX Ambassador Initiative, required bystander intervention training,  programs and events during Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April each year, Title IX office hours and open houses and more. 

We particularly recognize and celebrate the 50th anniversary of Title IX, and we will host several events in the Fall to commemorate and explore the ongoing significance of this legislation for equity and civil rights at Georgetown.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to contribute to our community’s feedback on this important issue.


Samantha Berner
Title IX Coordinator and Director of Title IX Compliance

 Rosemary Kilkenny
Vice President, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer

Jeanne F. Lord
Interim Vice President, Student Affairs and Dean of Students