Category: Georgetown Faces

Title: Joong Won Pyo (B’18)

Joong Won Pyo smiles for the camera.



“Georgetown not only gives you a degree, but a mission in life. Being a Catholic school, a Jesuit university, the school has its distinguished values. “Women and Men for Others,” “Cura Personalis,” “Educating the Whole Person,” “Community in Diversity,” just to name a few. While the competitive environment pressures you into being your best (sometimes at the cost of sleep) finding those internships, and getting those scholarships, the school always reminds you that life is more than that. We are here, learning, becoming leaders, not to just make money and become famous, but so that we can provide for others, teach others, and make the world a better place. Of course, I forget what is important in life because I am so tired from my X amount of clubs, X jobs, and XX credits, but seeing those values hung around our school reminds me of my purpose in life. In class, we might be talking about the stock market at one point, but how the decisions of foreign leaders affect the economy, and how some governments unethically exploit its people. We just talked about business, government, and human rights all in one topic. Furthermore, many of us want to do something about that. That is Georgetown. Not just learning theories in class, but being encouraged to act. Whether you are in the business school then investing in emerging markets, or in the foreign service school becoming a diplomat, graduating from the nursing school, and working on international health policy, or coming from the college to better the world in physics, art, government, chemistry, anything. Georgetown makes you go beyond yourself. I believe Georgetown creates students who want to make the world a better place. At least that is how I see life now. So thank you Georgetown.”

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