Dear Students,
I hope this finds you and your families healthy and safe during this very challenging time.
I’m writing to encourage you to review the Law Center’s recently revised FAQs addressing campus and academic plans. The updated FAQs attempt to answer some of your most common and consequential questions. You’ll note as you read them that we don’t have answers yet to some of your questions, but we are continuing to address them as thoughtfully and efficiently as we can, always mindful that the answers may change in response to rapidly changing public health guidance and the trajectory of the pandemic. We will continue to update the FAQs regularly in the coming weeks as more decisions are made, so please check them regularly.
Let me also take this opportunity to highlight one issue covered in the FAQs. The “hybrid” plan for on-campus instruction remains subject to change depending on the rapidly evolving public health situation. As a result, it is possible we will have to move to fully on-line participation at some point this academic year, if the D.C. government requires us to close the campus or we determine we cannot safely conduct campus activities. Be assured this is not a decision we will make lightly, and we will do everything in our power to protect our international students if this is the case.
Finally, I want you to know that I and other deans continue to consult regularly with SBA leadership about the school’s plans for the Fall. The SBA’s partnership and feedback has been invaluable as we all continue to navigate these new and challenging issues. We will continue to consult with the SBA as we make crucial decisions in the coming months about academic and campus plans for the Fall semester.
For now, please know that we are working tirelessly to ensure that you have a rich and energizing academic and co-curricular experience this coming year, no matter the format of academic instruction or where you choose to live and learn.
Take good care and stay safe,