Healy tower rises above a cherry tree
Category: Dear Georgetown Freshmen

Title: Keep Calm and Hoya Saxa

Author: Taylor S. (C'17)
Date Published: September 15, 2016

To me as a freshman:
Congratulations!!! The day has finally arrived. You are here on campus, moving into your freshman dorm at the school of your dreams. It’s a scary and exciting time, and I’m sure there are a gazillion different emotions flowing through you right now.

Take a deep breath. You are at an amazing school, and you obviously feel some pressure. But these will be an incredible four years – and they’re getting you ready for all that’s in store ahead for you. So don’t get too down on the bad days, and cherish all the days that feel like the best days of your life. If you take off some of the pressure from yourself, you can better appreciate and learn from all the crazy ups and downs that are to come.

The first few days are tough, but in a matter of weeks Georgetown will really feel like your home. The homesick feelings will start to go away, and you’ll meet so many interesting and exciting new people. Admittedly, the friends you meet in the first few days won’t all be your best friends for life. That’s okay – a few of them probably will be!! Over the next few years, you’ll develop an amazing group of friends who make you laugh on some of your toughest days and who make you feel at home on the days when you miss your mom the most.

You will have some of the best (and coolest) professors in the country. It is humbling just to be in the same room as some of these people, let alone be learning from them. Go to office hours even though it seems scary. I promise it’s not. Professors are real people too.

ALSO – make the most of living in DC! Run to the monuments as much as you can. Go to museums. Eat cupcakes (though you don’t need a reminder for that one!!). Intern on Capitol Hill (even if it means totally overscheduling yourself for a semester). It’s a once in a lifetime experience that you just can’t get at other colleges. And it is SO cool.

I know this will be hard, but try to keep things in perspective. A bad grade on one paper won’t destroy your GPA. Missing a night out with friends to finish a project won’t destroy your social life forever (but definitely don’t procrastinate… you’d much rather be out with your friends!!!).

Say hi to people who might seem unfriendly, maybe they’re just as homesick as you are right now. A friendly face goes a long way here, especially during these first few weeks. And don’t be too devastated when you don’t get into the Corp or Blue and Gray or whatever other groups you apply to… a lot of people don’t get into everything their first semester, and you will have more time to decide how you REALLY want to spend your time.

Don’t be afraid to try new things, and meet as many new people as possible. You have an awesome four years ahead of you. Do what you can to make the most of them!!!

Best of luck 🙂
