Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “Keep Reflecting and Do Good in the World”

Author: Lena D.
Date Published: May 6, 2020

Congrats on finishing your four years on the hilltop! While it certainly has not been the last semester you had hoped for, Georgetown will always be your home and you can always come back and crash a Vil A party! It’s a place you, and the rest of your hoya fam, have experienced so much growth and had formative experiences to become the great people you are today. While you likely won’t remember most of the classes you took or information you spent hours studying, the lessons you learned and friends you’ve made are what make your college experience worth it because they have helped to shape YOU! Keep reflecting, and do good in the world. Remember that you are extraordinary and have lots to offer. We are proud of you and excited to see you succeed.

-Lena D.