Jefferson Memorial at sunset
Category: Dear Georgetown Freshmen

Title: Learn From Everyone

Author: Ana C.
Date Published: September 28, 2016

Dear Georgetown Freshman,


The camaraderie you will build at Georgetown will be like nothing you have experienced thus far and after you graduate. Immerse yourself completely in everything that is Georgetown. Befriend everyone and learn from everyone. Attend all shows and performances. Yes, you will learn so much inside the classroom. But, the life lessons outside the classrooms are the real degree you take with you as you walk across the stage four years from now. Never again will you be in an environment where everyone is so smart, so social, so self-aware, and so in the know when it comes to international and domestic events. The opportunities for growth are everywhere – whether you are waiting for the GUTS bus or in line at Snaxa, Saxby’s or Lau 2 – talk to the people next to you. Ask them questions, discuss current events with them. Approach the cute girl or guy in your microeconomics course. At 18 you may feel insecure but by the time you are 22 and walking across that stage you will have transformed into something completely amazing. O, and if there’s something about Georgetown you do not like — take steps to change it. Don’t be passive. Be active. Run to the White House after an election, wait for hours in January for the inauguration. Above all, go to Tombs as often as you can when you are a Junior and Senior (are 21 years old). Never again will you feel so at home at a bar. Never again will you walk in and know everyone.


