Category: Dear Class of 2020

Title: “More Great Things Ahead, Sonia V.”

Class of 2020, I know how hard you all have worked to make it to graduation. You have put in long hours studying,doing extracurricular activities and after school jobs . You have also been there for your friends and I know many of you have formed bonds that will last a lifetime.None of you imagined that you would be closing this chapter of your life through a computer or a screen on a phone . Regardless, I would like to congratulate all of you for achieving this goal and wish you good luck for the future.

Sonia , you have done very well and I am very proud of you. You have overcome the little hurdles that life placed in your path and have emerged as a strong confident young lady! I am looking forward to more great things that I know you will accomplish. You never cease to amaze me. Congratulations, good luck and I love you!!!

-Meena V.